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Hire or get visa, and we will provide 10 days training course before placement
The package prices are exclusive of VAT.
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Further courses :
Dedicated Family Liaison Officer

Rohela is a British/Pakistani mom of 3. She's been in Dubai for 4 years, after living in 3 other countries, so understands the expat lifestyle. She runs a busy household with support from her devoted housekeeper who she can't imagine life without.
All workers are tested in English language according to the CEFR system
All workers are testing in the 4 main areas of English Language
according to the CEFR score.:
1. Communication
2. Reading
3. Writing
4. Listening
The six CEFR scores A1, A2 B1, B2, C1, C2 (Common European Framework
Reference) are widely accepted as the
standard for language proficiency.

Success and Case Studies

Assefu has worked for the same family for 4 years, but they noticed her
English hadn’t improved from very
basic. The whole family are working all day, and had little social interaction upon returning home.
Assefu is a great cook, and amazing Housekeeper, but couldn’t follow a recipe or written instructions, or send
sms/whatsapp messages to her employer.
She started at Acoup Training Institute on beginners’ level, and within 3 months she became qualified in B1
Level English with an IELTS score of 4.5
She can now read full recipes, understand whatsapp messages, send notifications for the drivers, and make
shopping lists complete. She is now fully conversant and understood with her employer.
Assefu also attended training to upgrade her cooking skills , learning new recipes, flavours and techniques.

Maria spoke pigeon English, and said yes to everything, with little
knowledge of what she had agreed to !.
Maria had spent 12 years working as a “Nanny” yet her English was so appalling bad, we hoped she wasn’t in
charge of instructing any pre-school children!
Her misunderstanding with her employer led to frustration and possibility of losing her job, if she didn’t
improve her basic level.
She couldn’t read , could barely write and had CEFR level score of A1 when she joined.
Over a 6 month period, Maria studied A1-B2 English and passed with flying colours .
Marias employer were expecting twins, and required formally training in newborn care. She attended Qualified
Nanny Program (UK Level 3) in Childhood Development, Newborn Care, Early Years learning and Paediatric First

Wonderful student with no previous educational experience. Spoke broken
English with incomprehensible accent!...however she had great reading capabilities.
Over a 2 month period, Naw Mar learnt how to enunciate properly, and hence can now be understood fluently. She
has a huge enthusiasm for reading and writing, and her levels came from A1 -B1 affording her a promotion at
work, and greater responsibility within her employers household.
Naw Mar’s employer went for Hip replacement and required months of rehabilitation and assistance.
She attended training for Home Health Rehabilitation-Post Hospitalization

About Company

Specialists in ethical recruitment and safe guarding of domestic workers.

Experts in effective placement and supporting families in settling in period.

UK/USA model training courses for home health workers (nanny and caregivers) with KHDA Certificates.

CEFR English Language Score is important in providing your workers level of English as effective communication is the key to a successful placement.

State of the art training facilities supported with technology led tools and learning management system.