
The benefits of hiring a nanny in Dubai

Mar 26, 2023
The benefits of hiring

Thousands of families have made the decision to hire a nanny in Dubai, with the majority living in their home full-time.

Providing a huge support, they can make life considerably easier for busy parents who are trying to juggle their family, work and other commitments.

Supporting the children’s continuing education, welfare and safety, nannies will work effectively with the parents or guardians to provide care for their little ones.

If you have been considering a nanny, hiring a reliable worker will see both you and your family receive a host of benefits, such as:


1.    Flexibility

One of the main benefits of hiring a full-time nanny in Dubai is the incredible flexibility it gives the entire family.

Often, parents can be desperate to see external childcare work around their routine, but that is not always possible as establishments cannot cater their day around one family.

A nanny however can be flexible and adapt to the family’s routine, or adjust activities to suit the children’s energy levels, interests, and mood.

In addition, if the nanny is living in the home, she can perhaps adapt her duty hours if needed, more than a live-out babysitter that would need to commute, or the opening hours of a nearby nursery or daycare centre.

READ MORE: The Dubai nannies that became 'part of the family': 

Less Stress

By hiring a live-in nanny, the whole family is likely to be considerably less stressed, with both parents and children experiencing a much easier routine.

Often parents lose their quality time with one another, and other adults, when the hectic schedule of children and work takes over, so employing full-time help can make a huge difference.

With the nanny able to take charge of the children’s activities and routine, parents can schedule in quality time with their kids as well as go to work, socialise and see friends.

It is likely that the children themselves will also become more relaxed, as they are cared for daily by the same person rather than different babysitters. They will develop a trusting relationship with their nanny that only improves with time.

Also building the same relationship with the children, the nanny will come to know them very well, giving the parents peace of mind when they are not there.

Even travel will become far less stressful if a nanny is present, as she will be able to entertain and watch over the children, implementing routine and structure no matter where you are in the world.

More Control

When choosing a nanny, families are able to pick a candidate who they believe has the traits and skills they are looking for, and will bond well with their children.

For example, you may also choose to employ a nanny that can teach your children another language, whether that be English or something else.

A full-time nanny also allows a better routine to be put in place, with the parents having more control over what activities, learning and rules that includes.

A tailored routine to your child’s specific needs is also more likely to see them grow and reach their full potential, with someone dedicated to caring for them.

READ MORE: 'Moving your nanny back to the UK': 

Sickness is not an issue 

If your child is unwell, it can often be a problem for your usual routine, as they will be unable to attend school or nursery. This often means you are unable to attend work, or need to arrange urgent cover for someone to be at home with your child.

However, if you have a nanny, this will never be an issue, as they can care for them as usual while you are at work or attending other engagements.

It also means you can leave your child knowing they are in the safe hands of your nanny, who will take good care of them.

If your child is unwell, it can often be a problem for your usual routine, as they will be unable to attend school or nursery. This often means you are unable to attend work, or need to arrange urgent cover for someone to be at home with your child.

However, if you have a nanny, this will never be an issue, as they can care for them as usual while you are at work or attending other engagements.

It also means you can leave your child knowing they are in the safe hands of your nanny, who will take good care of them.

At Housekeeping Co, we can provide full-time live-in nannies and maids in Dubai that will provide a reliable and hardworking service.

Or we can assist you in bringing a nanny or domestic worker of your choice into your home on a private sponsorship.

You can find more information on all of our services and how Housekeeping Co can assist you by visiting our website

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