
TIPS-Best Housekeeping Practices: Summer Jobs for your Maid

Jul 09, 2017
TIPS-Best Housekeeping Practices: Summer

Did you know that we sweat liters of water, air and gasses on a nightly basis?

Best way to refresh your duvet and pillow is to remove the covers and place into direct sunlight for 30-40 minutes.

Alternatively, every month, place your pillows on a hot wash at 60oC and air dry in the sunlight direct.

Remove all mattress, headboards, and place into direct sunlight for as long as possible throughout a day.

This will remove all body odor smells, saliva, dried sweat etc!!!

Washing walls/cupboards and windows with a mild detergent or anti-bacteria solution in water, will remove any mildew, or spore forming bacterial growth.

Washing and sanitizing the A/C coils, grills, and inside of the unit itself, will assist in healthier air quality. Finish off the cleaning by swiping the grills with your favorite natural oils (we love to use T-Tree, Lemon or Orange ) as this really freshens up the rooms and feels much better air quality.


Housemaids in Dubai and Abu Dhabi are often left unattended throughout the summer months whilst the Expat and Emirati families take their vacation over seas.  Maids, Nannies and Housekeepers can all be motivated throughout the summer months with dedicated and specific jobs to be done whilst the family is away.

Professional Nannies will utilize this time to clean and organize children's toys, books, bedrooms etc prior to them starting a new school term.

Efficient Maids and Housekeepers working in Dubai and Abu Dhabi can organize the cleaning routine without any interruption of family members being around, This offers an excellent time to be able to deep clean cupboards and organize the wardrobes. Loyal and happy maids and Housekeepers generally have the villa or apartment ready for another year ahead when the family returns from their vacation.


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