
Housekeepers-Are you developing yours?

Jan 27, 2016
Housekeepers-Are you developing yours?

The Trainee Housekeeping Program-Developing your maid into a Professional Housekeeper.

Our Trainee Housekeeping Program offers weekly training for your domestic employees. The program is dedicated to the professional education and advancement of domestic Housekeeping Staff here in the UAE.

The Trainee Housekeeping Program offers weekly classes in our Institute. Each week we offer morning classroom theory with language, followed by afternoon site visits to professional hospitality establishments.

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The Housekeeping Institute and Housekeeping Co are run by UK Industry professionals with over 30 years’ experience.

Emirates In-Flight Catering produce in excess of 175,000 meals per day, 26 dietary meal choices. They employ 10,100 staff, and produce over 49 million meals a year for Emirates, and 8Million for other airlines, making Emirates the biggest In-Flight Catering Services Co in the World….

Emirates-In-Flight Catering Services  support our Trainee Housekeeping Program, and have offered us regular tours as part of our training and development program,. ……

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