
Immigration Visa-Domestic Employees

Aug 30, 2015
Immigration Visa-Domestic Employees

The Procedures in applying for any Domestic Workers visa. ( This is correct at time of going to Press 4th June 2014)

The application for “DOMESTIC WORKERS” visa requires to be done via the Immigration ( Jaflyiah, Al Manara etc), and typing for all application procedure is done on site by external typing centers in the same location to the immigration.


Costs Approximately AED7,500 to sponsor

Bring it all in cash……

AED2,000 is refundable deposit

Initial sponsoring/Annually renewal will be AED5,500

Passport Copy/Photo and visa page:

Of the prospective sponsor

Of the prospective “Domestic Servant”, plus passport photos

3.Tenancy contract ( has to be Ejari attested)

4.DEWA bill ( sometimes required)

5.Employment Contract

6.Salary certificate, attested under certain jurisdictions

7.Marriage certificate IF your wife has a different surname ( as is the case of        certain Europeans)


There are different costs depending upon whether or not the prospective domestic worker is inside the country or not.

It is cheaper if they are outside the country, even on a visa change by going to Kish island, or if they are back in their home country it is slightly cheaper.

Inside the country sponsorship, requires for the prospective employee to have change of visa status, and then exit the country to come back on employment visa.( can be done in 3-4 hour round trip)

This can be done cheaply enough with Air Arabia from Sharjah to Oman and back within a 3-4 hour period. Flight costs approx. 650-850/-


Applying for the visa is done relatively fast via typing.

Then you need to make typing for:

 emirates ID and Medical

The proceed to Immigration for Visa Stamping


Medical Insurance can be done Privately or through the Govt. Of Dubai approved Hospitals……check their website.


Maids given better deal by new law ( as reported by 7 days Monday 2nd June)

This morning, I went to Immigration to enquire about this new ruling……and I asked for printed terms and conditions of contract.

AS OF TODAY…nothing is different!


Lets outline the basic points:

These are all extracts from the:

Employment Agreement for Domestic Workers and Sponsors ( dated 12th June 2014…however todays date is 4th June 2014!!!)

Notes: First Party= The Sponsor;     Second Party= Person to be sponsored


The Second Article: ( organizing work and vacations)

2. The second party shall be given one month paid vacation after contract completion. The second party may opt for a salary of one month in lieu of the month vacation, in addition the value of one return ticket to home country.


The Third Article ( Travel Tickets)

1. Upon expiry of the contract without renewal, the first party must pay for the second party return to home country

2.Upon renewal of contract, should the second party opt fore the one months vacation, the first party must provide the second party a return ticket to home country.


The Seventh Article ( The Health Care)

1. The first party is obligated to provide treatment and health care for the second party.


The Ninth Article ( The Contract Length)

1. The duration of the contract is for one year starting from the date of the second party residence in the country and can be extended for one year or more according to both parties wishes.

2. In the event that the first party wishes to terminate the contract before turn, the first party must provide a return ticket for the second party, and pay one full months salary.

3. The second party will undertake all travel expenses to home country, if the contract has been terminated by the second party.


The Tenth Article ( Conflict Between Two Parties)

1. In the event of conflict between the two parties, both are obligated to undergo mediate the Naturalization and Residency Administration, and if they do not reach a compromise in two weeks, they must undertake the dispute to local or federal courts.

2. Without setting aside the punishment that is mentioned in the entry and residency law, the second party’s rights are null and void if the second party absconds.

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