


Nationality: Uganda

KHDA Training Certified in


Basic Housekeeping 3


Basic Info:

Candidate ID No.: CN13733
Designation: Maid
Age: 35
Availability: Available

Education & Experience:

Highest Qualifications: Secondary
Further Education:
Employment History: Maid
Years of Working Experience: 4 years

Skills & Knowledge:

Skill Set: Comfortable in Handling Pets
Good all Round Maid
Spoken Languages: English

Interviewers Notes & Comments:

Maid with experience

KHDA Certified in Basic Housekeeping L3 - 

Working Experience: 4 years & 8 months in the Middle East

  • 5 months: UAE - A French family of 2 adults & 4 children (14, 13, 8 & 6) 
  • 9 months: UAE - A British family of 2 adults and 2 children (10 & 5)
  • 4 months: UAE - An African family with 2 adults & 1 child (9 months old) + 1 dog
  • 1 year & 7 months: UAE -  A British family of 2 adults and 2 children (8, 3)
  • 2 years: Oman - An Omani family of 8 adults & 3 children (12, 7 & 4)

Can handle all housekeeping chores independently.

Confident in caring for young children including feeding, bathing, dressing, and looking after them during playtime.

Can assist in the kitchen and is willing to learn. 

Comfortable with dogs but not cats

A mother of 2 girls (13 & 8)

Fully Vaccinated

CEFR levels in English

B2 = Upper-Intermediate

  • Can understand the main ideas of complex text on both concrete and abstract topics, including technical discussions in her field of specialization.

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