


Nationality: Ethiopia

KHDA Training Certified in


Basic Housekeeping 3


Basic Info:

Candidate ID No.: CN22085
Designation: Maid
Age: 38
Availability: Available

Education & Experience:

Highest Qualifications: Elementary
Further Education:
Employment History: Maid
Years of Working Experience: 3 years

Skills & Knowledge:

Skill Set: Comfortable in Handling Pets
Good all Round Maid
Spoken Languages: Arabic

Interviewers Notes & Comments:

Experienced Maid

KHDA Certified in Basic Housekeeping L3 - 

Working Experience: 3 years and 1 month in the Middle East

  • 1 year and 1 month  :UAE:  with Israeli family of 5, 2 adults & 3 children(3,1.5yrs & 5 months)  
  • 2 yrs : UAE: - A local family with 2 adults & 1 child (8 months) + 1 dog

She can care for children of any age and knows how to feed the child, change diapers, and burping.

 she can handle all housekeeping chores independently and is familiar with using household appliances like a Microwave, washing machine, and vacuum cleaner.

She can cook basic food and she is willing to learn more.

She is comfortable handling pets.

CEFR Levels in English

A1 = Beginner

  • Introduction to the English Language

NOTE: Fluent in Arabic

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