


Nationality: Philippines

Basic Info:

Candidate ID No.: CN26492
Designation: Nanny-Housekeeper
Age: 48
Availability: Available

Education & Experience:

Highest Qualifications: College Level
Further Education:
Employment History: Nanny Housekeeper
Years of Working Experience: 20 years

Skills & Knowledge:

Skill Set: Competent Nanny
Knowledgeable of Asian cuisines
Comfortable in Handling Pets
Experienced in Elderly Care
Spoken Languages: English

Interviewers Notes & Comments:

Nanny – Housekeeper

Working Experiences: Total of 22 years of experience in Southeast Asia

  • Singapore: 1 yr and 4 months in homecare (caring for multiple elderly people (98-100yrs)
  • Singapore: 6 yrs with a Chinese–Belgian family of 4, 2 adults and 2 children (since birth)
  • Hong Kong: 4 yrs with a family of 4, 2 adults and 2 children (6 & 2 yrs)
  • Hong Kong: 8 yrs with a Belgian family of 5, 2 adults and 3 children (8,14,17) plus a dog
  • Hong Kong: 3 yrs with a family of 3, 2 adults and 1 child (2yrs)

An experienced nanny/housekeeper who is confident in caring for children of any age - preparing meals, packing lunches, and having them ready for school. She’s also assisting with school pick up and drop off from school to home and after-school activities. She accompanies them to the park ensuring their safety during indoor and outdoor activities.  

While the children are in school, she can independently take care of all housekeeping duties - cleaning chores, bed making, room organizing, mopping, laundry, and ironing.

She knows how to cook Chinese dishes such as Steamed Fish/Chicken, Stir Fried Vegetables, Dim Sum, Dumplings, and European food.

She is a Midwifery graduate

 A mother of 1 adult

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