


Nationality: Philippines

KHDA Training Certified in


Child Care At Home


Basic Info:

Candidate ID No.: CN23626
Designation: Nanny-Housekeeper
Age: 46
Availability: Available

Education & Experience:

Highest Qualifications: Secondary
Further Education:
Employment History: Nanny Housekeeper
Years of Working Experience: 8 years

Skills & Knowledge:

Skill Set: Competent Nanny
Spoken Languages: English

Payment Terms:

Months 1 to 6 : AED 3,900 + VAT

Months 7 to 12 : AED 2,900 + VAT

Interviewers Notes & Comments:

Nanny Housekeeper

KHDA certified in Childcare at Home : 

Working Experience: 8 years and 9 months in the Middle East.

  • 9 months: UAE - A Jordanian family with 2 children (5 & 2) 
  • 4 years: UAE - A local family with 5 children (1, 5, 7, 15 & 18)
  • 4 years: Kuwait - A local family with 3 children (1, 5 & 8)

She is patient and approaches her tasks with calmness and understanding. Her ability to remain composed and attentive ensures that every task is completed thoughtfully and efficiently. 

Comfortable handling toddlers and school-age children.

Can handle all housekeeping chores independently.

Can assist in the kitchen and can make food for children. 

Not comfortable with pets

Mother of 2 children (19 & 18)

CEFR Levels in English

A2 = Pre-Intermediate

  • Can communicate in simple and routine tasks requiring a simple and direct exchange of information on familiar and routine matters.
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