Qualified Nanny

Non-Qualified Nannies and Carers

Job Description: Roles & Responsibilities

Job Description: Roles & Responsibilities Primary role is to support the parents/guardian in looking after the continuing education, welfare and safety of children, (no general housekeeping but may involve some cooking/cleaning for the children).

Work effectively with parents/guardians to provide care and support for infants, children, able-bodied and non-able bodied, special needs including the elderly living at home.
1. Identify, organize, and monitor the daily activities of the child/ charge
2. Attend to the child’s/charge physical and nutritional needs under the supervision and supporting instructions of the parents or guardian.
3. Supervise the safety of the child/charge during activities inside and outside the house
4. Provide play, enrichment, and stimulation to children's day to encourage learning and development as encouraged by the parents of guardian
5. Foster and encourage a positive relationship with the child/charge
6. Provide an environment for the child/charge that promotes health, safety and protection in the absence of parents/guardian.

Job Description: Roles & Responsibilities

Primary role is to support the parents/guardian in looking after the continuing education, welfare and safety of children, sick, disabled, elderly (no general housekeeping but may involve some cooking/cleaning for the children/elderly).

Work effectively with parents/guardians to provide care and support for infants, children, able-bodied and non-able bodied, special needs including the elderly living at home.
1. Identify, organize, and monitor the daily activities of the child/ charge
2. Attend to the child’s/charge physical and nutritional needs under the supervision and supporting instructions of the parents or guardian.
3. Supervise the safety of the child/charge during activities inside and outside the house
4. Provide play, enrichment, and stimulation to children's day to encourage learning and development as encouraged by the parents of guardian
5. Foster and encourage a positive relationship with the child/charge
6. Provide an environment for the child/charge that promotes health, safety and protection in the absence of parents/guardian.

7 Candidates Available for Interview

Age: 39
Nationality: Philippines
Experience: 4 years


Age: 49
Nationality: Philippines
Experience: 4 years


Age: 35
Nationality: Philippines
Experience: 6 years


Age: 40
Nationality: Philippines
Experience: 5 years


Age: 45
Nationality: Philippines
Experience: 4 years


Age: 46
Nationality: Philippines
Experience: 6 years


Age: 44
Nationality: Philippines
Experience: 5 years

Job Specification: (Qualifications, Experience & References)

1. Degree Educated- Early Years Teacher, Primary Teacher, Childcare, Nursing, Midwifery
2. Proficient in English or Arabic OR
3. Min 3 years’ + experience. (outside source country)
4.References from previous employer
5. Must provide visa stamps in current and old passports for references as evidence of previous employers.


Proficient Swimmer
Pediatric First Aid Certificate

Knowledge & Understanding

Proficient Swimmer Paediatric First Aid Certificate Knowledge & Understanding A Nanny needs to know and understand the following: Rights, • Legal and work setting requirements as clearly defined by the employer
• Her role in supporting children’s wellbeing and developmental progress
• Her obligation to report any acts or oversight that could compromise the rights of children
• Codes of practice, standards, frameworks and guidance relevant to childcare
• The role of the parents/guardians in supporting children’s wellbeing and developmental progress
• The expectation of the employer
• Housekeeping Co. is responsible for Nanny employment all HR related issues, employee welfare and Payroll
• Family/Employer name and contact details
• Employer contact details


• Codes of practice, standards, frameworks and guidance relevant to childcare
• Her own roles, responsibilities and accountabilities with their limits and boundaries
• The roles, responsibilities and accountabilities of others with whom Nanny works
• The importance of the interests and well-being of children and young people
• Children and young people’s cultural and language context
• How to build trust and understanding in a relationship
• How to work in ways that promote active participation and maintain children and young people’s dignity, respect, personal beliefs and preferences
• How to work in partnership with children, young people, key people and others
• How to manage ethical conflicts and dilemmas in her workplace
• How and when to seek support in situations beyond Nanny experience
• Alternative ways of performing caring tasks and their respective merits and demerits
• Available caring facilities, products and equipment and their appropriateness to different caring needs
• Different types of caring needs of infants and children
• Nutritional needs of infants and children of different ages
• Nutritional value of different foods and components of a balanced diet
• Safe handling procedure and requirements regarding preparing food and feeding
• Safety requirements regarding working with infants and children
• The nature and impact of factors that may affect the health, wellbeing and development of children and young people whom the Nanny cares for or supports
• Factors that promote positive health and wellbeing of children and young people


• Effective communication skills with children of different ages
• Language abilities of children of different ages
• Factors that impact communication and language abilities with children at all ages
• Factors that improve communication and language abilities with children at all ages

Health and safety,

• Health and safety requirements in the work setting
• First aid procedures
• Fire safety procedures
• Risks associated with health and safety hazards
• Practices for the prevention and control of infection/diseases
• The responsibility that everyone has to raise concerns about possible harm or abuse, poor or discriminatory practices
• Indicators of potential or actual harm or abuse
• How and when to report any concerns about abuse, poor or discriminatory practice, resources or operational difficulties
• What to do if you have reported concerns but no action is taken to address them

Other Skills Required

Writing Skills
To be competent, the Nanny needs to:
• List the tasks to be performed everyday

Reading Skills
To be competent, the Nanny on the job needs to:
• Read and be able to develop numeracy
• Read and understand the instruction

Listening & Speaking Skills
To be competent, the user/individual needs to:
• Discuss tasks, schedules, and workload with employer
• Discuss with employer/supervisor appropriately in order to understand their requirements
• Keep employer/supervisor informed about progress of tasks
• Be able to demonstrate and use proper and appropriate language, communicate and behave in a culturally acceptable manner to her environment.