Qualified Housekeeper



Job Description: Roles & Responsibilities

Work effectively with the employer to provide proper housekeeping services.
Maintain a positive impression of oneself in the household Perform basic housekeeping tasks.
Perform the tasks of washing and ironing clothes, organizing closets and bedsheets and making beds.
Maintain the cleanliness of the kitchen and kitchen appliances Properly dispose of garbage. Maintain healthy, safe and positive relationship at workplace.


• Codes of practice, standards, frameworks and guidance relevant to housekeeping
• Your own roles, responsibilities and accountabilities with their limits and boundaries
• The roles, responsibilities and accountabilities of others with whom you work
• The employer’s cultural and language context
• How to build trust and understanding in a relationship
• How to manage ethical conflicts and dilemmas in your work
• How and when to seek support in situations beyond your experience
• Alternative ways of performing housekeeping tasks and their respective merits and demerits
• The overall safety, sanitation, working and condition of the house
• Types of cleaning products and their uses
• The proper methods and standards of cleaning and tidying up
• Common appliances and how to handle them in case of an emergency
• Different types of fabrics and their washing procedures
• Washing detergents and soaps
• Operating the washing machine
• How to wash delicate clothes and fabrics by hand
• Different types of waste and how to dispose of each type
• The importance of disposing of waste properly
• How to prioritize work and manage time

Health and Safety,

• Health and safety requirements in the work setting
• First aid procedures
• Fire safety procedures
• Risks associated with health and safety hazards
• Practices for the prevention and control of infection/diseases
• The responsibility that everyone has to raise concerns about possible harm or abuse, poor or discriminatory practices
• Indicators of potential or actual harm or abuse
• How and when to report any concerns about abuse, poor or discriminatory practice, resources or operational difficulties
• What to do if you have reported concerns but no action is taken to address them

In Summary

A Housekeeper is a Good All-rounder. Can organize, plan and execute her own working routine, understand written instruction, follow a basic recipe, and give feedback to the lady of the home. Good at time management.
High presentation skills. Excellent at Laundry care, and Ironing. Understands the differences of deep cleaning and daily cleaning with time management. She will know how to change a light bulb, remove voiles for washing, and have good anticipatory skills. She will be able to efficiently valet the inside of a car, packing suitcases, closet organization etc.

Job Description: Roles & Responsibilities

Main duties are Housekeeping in the morning, with usually Childcare in the afternoon until parents come home from work, or until after the evening meal. Can be up to 4 night’s baby-sitting per month.
Can also be assisting mother with preparing food for the children/evening meal, table setting, clearing and preparing school bags/lunch boxes for the following day.
She will be able to understand the product life cycle of most things of importance are in the home/where they have been placed without constant supervision.
She will be competent in giving healthy food options to the children, and will act as sole in charge in absence of the parent. Effective communicator to both children and parents. Capable of managing the home, children and pets in absence of the head of households

Job Description: Roles & Responsibilities

Main duties are Housekeeping duties in the morning and afternoons dedicated to shopping, preparing and cook of meals.
Menu Planning, Shopping, Food Preparation, Cooking, Table Setting, Clearing. Knowledgeable in cooking equipment and appliances

1 Candidates Available for Interview

Age: 28
Nationality: Indonesia
Experience: 3 years

Job Specification: (Qualifications, Experience & References)

1. College level or Degree Educated in hospitality or Housekeeping Management
2. Proficient in English or Arabic Or
3. Min 2 years’ working experience. + (outside country of origin)
4.References from previous employer
5. Must provide visa stamps in current and old passports for references as evidence of previous employers.

Other Skills

Writing Skills
To be competent, the user/individual on the job needs to:
• List the tasks to be performed everyday

Reading Skills
To be competent, the user/individual on the job needs to:
• Read and be able to develop numeracy
• Read and understand the instruction

Listening & Speaking Skills
To be competent, the user/individual on the job needs to:
• Discuss tasks, schedules, and workload with employer
• Discuss with employer/supervisor appropriately in order to understand their requirements
• Keep employer/supervisor informed about progress of tasks
• Be able to demonstrate and use proper and appropriate language, communicate and behave


• Effective communication skills
• Communication preferences in the cultural context of the household


Highly motivated. Strong self-initiative
Strong Communicator
Confident and hard working,